Saturday, April 9, 2011

Is this what REALLY happens at bachelorette parties?

Question by Davey™: Is this what Truly occurs at bachelorette parties?
I stumbled upon a internet site referred to as It shows videos of bachelorette parties.

The fundamental setup is the same: a group of 15-35 females watch (and engage in sexual activities with) male strippers, which includes fellatio and actual sex.

Given the numbers of female participants, it is evident that they can't be compensated for their performance. It would just not be price-effective. My understanding is that the internet site owner places an advertisement in a nearby paper offering a No cost bachelorette party (with venue and drinks included), and the girls come and do their thing, which, as I said, appears to be reckless, wholesale oralsex with complete strangers, in front of dozens of other ladies.

I've been to my share of bachelor parties, and I can tell you that Absolutely nothing like this occurs. This isn't to say that issues don't occur at bachelor parties they definitely do, but never does it happen so openly and so brazenly. And I can't recall ANY guys going downtown on a female stripper.

However, in these videos, the girls are - uninhibited isn't even a good enough word to describe their behavior.

My brother, who is a New York Police Officer, told me that this is in truth what occurs at these all-male revues. If this is the case, why on Earth is any man produced to feel guilty for attending a bachelor party?

Best answer:

Answer by Dean Martin's Liver Snaps
Everybody looks like they're having a very good time.

Kinda makes you wonder why girls aren't blowing men all the time in groups like this one.

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